Please note that recording 4K videos locally on your phone is very different from streaming 4K over the network (even if using USB) and requires high-end hardware.Ĭheck out Tallis NDI Camera for NDI®|HX streaming with your phone.
Sudo pkgutil -forget .ĤK will be added with future updates. Sudo rm -ir '/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/droidcam-obs'įollow the prompts (enter 'y' to confirm), then do Remove 'droidcam-obs' from '~/.config/obs-studio/plugins/'. Use Programs and Features in Control Panel to remove the DroidCam OBS plugin. Linux /home/USERNAME/.config/obs-studio/logs Un-Installation MacOS /Users/USERNAME/Library/ApplicationSupport/obs-studio/logs Windows C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\OBS\logs Use the Help menu in OBS Studio to access the logs, they are in your home folder: If you think there is a bug, please include OBS logs with your email. You can purchase DroidCam OBS for use on Android phones without the Play Store and Google services: Get Pro without Google/Playstore services? If you have multiple accounts on the phone, the purchasing account must be primary in the Play Store You can use the 'Get Pro' button to re-unlock the app, you do not have to pay again.